Sunday, June 1, 2008

Top Moments of 2007-2008

  • Victoria Marathon 2007: last 2 km of the race. By this point struggling. Everything hurts. Feet, stomach, butt, thighs, head. And my right knee is throbbing and clicking ominously with every step. Trying to keep the self talk positive. Still smiling? Still smiling. But also half crying. I catch up to a sprite looking young woman. Her face expresses what my own body is telling me. You’re crazy. Stop this. Deep in the hollows of that-something-inside I find some strength. I say ‘Great job! You’re doing awesome! Almost there. You can do it’. She smiles at me; the best smile, says ‘You too’. The words of support reflect back at me. There is hope. A wave of renewed vigor crashes upon me and I am overcome. I run harder. I can do it. Joy. Finish.
  • The red ribbon I wrapped his gift in around his index finger.
  • First week in Lyon playing games with future friends. Dan, Davide, Paulo, Fabio, Alexis, Louise, Emilie-anne. The dorm room is ripe with the excitement of new worlds found. Unchartered universes sit patiently waiting to be discovered within each of us. We are courageous explorers come to converse, share and exchange. It is a Saturday night but we are here drawing up new friendship maps. We act, we sing, sometimes we dance, we memorize international swear words. We are in love with potential.
  • ‘Loving life’ with Jamie and laughing our butts off about it.
  • Doing nearly impossible intervals into the sun setting on Vancouver skyscapers at Spanish Banks. Dreaming the running dream with Katie.
  • A perfect day spent with Emilie-anne and Louise touristing in Lyon. Wide-eyed with an endless list of sights to see and an empty Sunday to fill. Riding the ferris wheel and feeling like big adventures were about to be had.
  • Botayoning on the banks of the Rio in Sevilla and meeting Kirsten’s incredible new friends. Laughing. But mostly seeing Kirsten so happy in Sevilla. And being reassured that I will always share in her happiness.
  • The look on my mom’s face seeing the Eiffel Tower for the first time.
  • Ben wondering why I can’t come home now.
  • Talking about language and books and everything interesting with Dan.
  • Looking forward to lunch with Lauren and Katie on Thursdays. Katie’s stories. Lauren being her amazingly awesome self.
  • Playing rhetorical games with Brendan. Would you rather…
  • Getting bold new french haircuts by Vladimir.
  • Making delicious crepes with Emilie-anne and Louise.
  • Being in Barcelona alone eating ice cream in front of Sagrada familia. Knowing that I can do anything I dream.